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Oxidative Stress?

We’re a wellness and personal care company that believes your products are only as good as the science they stand on.

The Science of NRF2

Nrf2 communicates with cells, instructing them to do what they’re already designed to do. When activated, Nrf2 enters the nucleus of a cell and up-regulates "survival genes.

Protandim Extends Life

NIA STUDY - New Study from the National Institute on Aging Interventions Testing Program (NIA ITP) Shows Protandim Significantly Extends Lifespan.

National Institute On Aging


The scientific study of the interaction of nutrition and genes, especially with regard to the prevention or treatment of disease. "nutrigenomics holds great promise in fighting obesity and cancer.

Aubrey Huff on Protandim

Aubrey Huff, two-time World Series Champion talks about his battle with Anxiety & Depression.

Life Lab - Physiq

Manage Your Weight the Smart Way
See why we are so excited about the newest addition to the LifeVantage product family.

ABC PrimeTime Investigates

How It All Started In 2005 ABC TV PrimeTime Investigative Jouralists wanted to know what all the fuss was about this little yellow pill. Was it the "Fountain of Youth" ? Watch for yourself and find out what they learned.